first link roundup!

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Here's some websites I've enjoyed recently! The post is called "first link roundup!" because it's a subtle way of forcing myself to do more of this in the future.

sortition social

Hey i heard you like syndication so i put some syndication in your syndication. sortition social is a site displaying recent feeds from some randomized (?) blogs! I've found some cool stuff this way. The best thing about it is that you can also subscribe to it in your feed reader. So it's like dual syndication. You can also sign up to this if you feel like it 🤫

garage hearts

Looove this ep, got it suuuper late honestly. Last bandcamp friday (sorry coda). Anyways been listening to it a lot.

avoset has a newgrounds now

If you read my old posts you see i already remixed one of her songs so you know her already. And now she has finally made a newgrounds! I like seeing more people join newgrounds!!

Especially if I'm friends with them

Also new internet record shop out soon!

my wifes website!

yeah sorry but it's really cool ok let me be a wife guy (gal?) for a bit

522s website

I been taking to it more recently which is cool and it has a cool blog!

sapphic crystal love

starmoon is cool and this is my favorite album by her

subset 23

I've found luna sc randomly recommended on YouTube at some point and have been really enjoying the music (and cool modular machine aesthetics from the videos) since then! Here's the newest bandcamp drop


i love this video game!!! Have been playing it on my steam deck and it's really cool! It's a movement game an really nails it. Feels super fluid and smooth and looks cool. It's also kinda nice because its not rated anything so it's just good to play this when u wanna chill

this website with cool pixel fonts

Honestly the url for this looks super dodgy so i thought it was a phishing thing when i first found it. Buuuut what this actually is is a really pretty looking website with cool pixel fonts. Get positively surprised 👍

Website with cool art what more is there to say

wikipedia speedruns

okay this is super popular already from everyone showing it on youtube but it's just really funny imo

deceptive patterns

If you want to become more evil go here (or if you want to avoid becoming more evil).

for someone who is a nerd about this type of thing like me it's also just really fun

on a related note this game is also fun

is that a demo in your pocket

super catchy gameboy demo found this while looking for gb studio stuff! :3


probably only useful if you are german it's a map of queer meeting places

realtime colors

super useful when making color palettes

you can speedrun it using this

blinkie hoard



no more fandom wiki

the tube

I do not intend to go to London and have never been, but hey cool train documentary

to audio and back

mp3 compression go brrr (literally)

honorable mentions

it was destined to be


im in this !!!!! yay!!!!



you're in this!!!!!!111!!!1!



i'm going to web pals' personal sites and seeing link compilations in 2024 and nature is healing. sortition social in particular caught my eye, seems like a really cool project :3

deceptive patterns is a really cool resource in particular too. regenbogenkarte seems way better than mario kart



yay! glad you liked it! :)

and yeah its true ive never fallen off of regenbogenkarte it is much safer
